About ETO

The theatre of operations once identified 'european' as opposed to pacifi, (or should we consider pacifist?) has in peacetime become a state of mind rather than a fluctuation front line between freedom and oppression... it has been slightly forgotten but also remembered, in ceremony as well as personal family histories... while the operations themselves have faded - even though they are the crux of the matter: the development of strategies to achieve a goal...

Berlin,May 1933, book-burning action
the library of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschafen goes up in flames...

Faded isn't really right... Renewed interest becomes apparent as the generation that took part in WW1 fades... The second was still until recently" among us" and as such forgotten, while in fact incredibly important to our development and attitudes, outlook on life... ( that is where the RNO comes back into play...) 

remnants of another library after the second world war had finished with it - european theatre of operations no doubt...

postwar optimism:

decor for theatre by class of H. Teirlinck at the ENSAV (La Cambre) Brussels 1953

So, and

wrapped up in self /Telakka Tampere Fi. 2007

Especially since
....we seem to be throwing it all to the wind of late: all the achievements fought for, all the constraints installed... Being whittled away for what? Short term gain, laziness of mind, just plain bigotry... The theatre has become an opera buffa, a slapstick regurgitation of meaninglessness, empty phrases and lack of imagination...

Beckett comes to mind... Or Achternbusch... But at the same time more serious than that... Dead Ernest... And then without a plot to speak of...We will investigate further.... The war have become complex proxy affairs, smoke and mirrors, and we seem to have lost our way and ability to recognise the truth...

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back on the street

 One of the first notions to pursue the ETO at all was a participation in street theate activities as a student - at the time politically en...