The American Capital Concerns was established at the same time as the ETO (postwar) as a mail-art figment of the ETO central office, writing unsolicited letters to shady financial institutions often in conjunction with the sort of correspondence ETO entertained with arms manufacturers and the like… This was all way before the leaky scandals about offshore holdings became a popular sport - thought there were some instances when this came to the fore in the public’s consciousness: the Iran-Contra affair for instance… 

The concerns involved go back tot he original ETO, or the post-war economic situation in Europe, reeling from the conflict an heavily dependent on aid right up to (and beyond) the Marshall-Plan. The official name was the ERP: the European Recovery Plan, and was created when it became obvious that the resurgence of the european economies was in trouble, stagnating and even regressing, creating quite a bit of resentment and fuelling the more leftist tendencies among workers and peasants… Also there had been a reticence to help the German economy, but the lack of production from that country (mainly coal) began to have its effect on surrounding countries, economies stagnated… Rather than letting bleed as after the first world war it was decided this time to avoid a repeat and lend a helping hand, making the “Wirtschaftswunder” possible… It was also part and parcel of the Truman Doctrine, as a policy of containment to offset the influence of Soviet Russia. Molotov himself criticised the Marshall Plan as an interference in European Affairs and an unwarranted influence.  Many believe the basic premiss of European Cooperation put forward by the plan set the stage for the emergence of a European Union ( from coal & steel agreements to the EEC to European Community and on…)

Thus American Captial Concerns,

engaging mainly the ‘capital’ as head of the thinking process rather than capital punishment, off with said head!
Question is, has the money been spent wisely or are we headed into the same bubble-bursting up & down show often associated with free trade and capital movement… Boom and Bust they call it, and so far it has been avoided on a large scale, even though major ups & downs have taken place… the banking crisis a case in point.

(american sector)

The agreement between the British and the Americans that a split Germany is better than a 4-power zone dominated by the Russians… the beginnings of the east & West-German story… the French only joined the Bizone in 1948, setting the stage for a West-German federal republic.

two ends down the middle / fifty-fifty.

shredder / shavings

more soon (specific project coming up)

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theatre piece

 a bit like paper piece as related to me at the time of Ben P's visit in 2012 - this was also one with toilet and towelpaper, but by ...