zondag 1 december 2019

current & such review

here a quick look back
as well as current concerns
(see also ACC)

by chance found some pictures from some time ago too...
just a quick reference here...

 performing "Ehrung unsrer Sprache by Bernd Lohaus in 2010 with Marc Rosignol, Carlos Montalvo and Kate Mane.

fighting for the soul of capitalism
(and losing)
short action gallery MvBlerck, Antwerp September 2019

in october we did a

remake  (reprise) munich

(illuminated light version / analysis - more soon)

augmented with the members of Buktapaktop which could not participate live in Munich, so it was a quite different version, making the whole process more interesting and layered when one considers the other instances...

The original version took place in a theatrical cavern with all manner of technical assistance, making it more of a theatrical version, with the modification of mannerisms as a result that some found disturbing while others considered it an added bonus...

Buktagroup at Dads KloHäuschen, Munich, site of another intervention (with sones)

see & read more on dedicated blog:

an attempt to investigate the ramifications of the Actor-Network-Theory together with a group from Finland - at this point the jury is still out ... and probably will be for some time to come....

before that a solo attempt at the same venue...
precursor perhaps

much earlier (precursor)

also Munich

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back on the street

 One of the first notions to pursue the ETO at all was a participation in street theate activities as a student - at the time politically en...