donderdag 30 november 2023

back and forth, less so

 whereas I used to zip back and forth to all sorts of venues constantly, it is now a matter of preparing and weighing the pro's and con's of any move, even the slightest... a different way of looking at it I suppose, and also perhaps a lot less energy lost.

considering the by-gones more than the 'what's to come' and making note of the passage - I remember watsching them load up the old giant wine barrels from the royal depot before it was demolished entirely, and marvelled at the craftmanship of the things - gone somewhere north to start a new life as a commercial decoration rather than a well-made public amenity - here an image when presumeably they were still if full use.

in my research I came across a mention which would tickle all supporters of the 'intercontinental entrepot' and also conjures memories of oneself having to go and file douane-papers and such in these hallowed halls:

to with the painter Vincent van Gogh himself to his brother Theo when he had just gotten to Antwerp:

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theatre piece

 a bit like paper piece as related to me at the time of Ben P's visit in 2012 - this was also one with toilet and towelpaper, but by ...